Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dear Abe (abang)

Assalamualaikum people :)

From the deep of my heart, I want to dedicate this post to my adik. Well, Nurin called him Abe :)
Sekarang nihh, he stays at Pondok? * mcm sekolah agama cenggitu la kot. don' know how to describe*

Dear Abe,

Be strong nehh. I know you dokk biase berpisah with Ummi and Abah. Stop meleleh a.k.a crying nehh. Hakhak. Next year,you dah twelve, kan? Pastu nakk masuk form 1. Kate nak gi IMTIAZ la, Sbp la, LeBest  la. Dohh tak kan nak nangis-2. Next Sabtu, kiteorang gi amek Abe and A'aan. But, I want you to know that Kakyong and Adik bosan gilo-2 bile Abe takdokk. Kakyong Gaduh dengan adik jee. Bosan betol. hoho. Nokk masok maggi pon malas sebab Abe takdok. Kalau Abe ade bolehh aa tolong . *bully. haha. Good luck having the life there.

                                                                                                                                       Till then,